Piña Soul was founded by Dr. Jessica Hernandez—a transnational Indigenous environmental scientist. (Doctora Nature). Her work advocates for the healing of Indigenous landscapes and environments through Indigenous Science. She strongly believes that effective collaboration efforts and initiatives that integrate and respect community-based solutions and knowledge systems can help address environmental sustainability & conservation effectively. Throughout her graduate and professional career, she has created and implemented frameworks that are now offered through Piña Soul, SPC consultation services. These frameworks are important to integrate, especially as climate change exacerbates the negative impacts communities of color face. Our consultation services are created to support non-profit, government, and strategic community partners. To schedule a 30-minute discovery call, please contact us.
To learn more about her work, you can visit: http://www.jessicabhernandez.com/
We are a social purpose corporation (SPC) founded on October 2019 in the state of Washington.
To learn more about her work, you can visit: http://www.jessicabhernandez.com/
We are a social purpose corporation (SPC) founded on October 2019 in the state of Washington.