Indigenous peoples are artisans, scientists, teachers, engineers, inventors, and knowledge holders. However, due to post-colonial tools & oppressive structures, our knowledge systems continue to be dismissed or ignored in western science & society. As a result, most efforts that aim to address environmental degradation and climate change impacts result in creating more harm than good. In order to create effective conservation and climate change adaptation strategies, scientists and policy-makers must culturally-ground their work. At Piña Soul, we integrate cultural components in both our consultation services and our small online store—where we sell artesanias. Artesanias is the Spanish word for hand-made goods or art that is created by Indigenous peoples. This small sector of Piña Soul helps our families, communities, and relatives by reducing their need to street vend. Street vending often times leads to oppressive systems that result in them being haggled or targeted by crime. Indigenous communities who live in what are considered undeveloped countries—do not have the means to market their products online, as accessibility to internet and phones is a privilege.
With your purchase of one of our artesanias, not only are you supporting environmental sustainability among Black & Indigenous communities—you are also supporting Indigenous cultural revitalization & resistance. Indigenous youth are motivated to learn their art traditions, as business models like ours, allow them to also obtain economic independence from oppressive government structures. All purchases sustain entire families & communities, and decrease their need to street-vend—where they are often times haggled and underpaid for their handmade artesanias and craftsmanship.